Kelly Zhu
VP Events
Kelly is in her 3rd year of marketing!
“I wanted to see how I could make the most of out my time here at the University of Alberta. And ANPA seemed like a great opportunity to get involved and to expand my knowledge in the NFP sector while getting to know others.”
A fun fact about Kelly is that she loves baking goods and sharing them with others!
Kateryna Vyshkulatova
Events Director
Kateryna is in her third year of marketing!
She joined ANPA because she was intrigued by the fact that ANPA focuses on highlighting the various non-profits in our community -- a goal that she finds so unique and important.
A fun fact about Kateryna is that English is her third language! She was born in Ukraine, so she first learnt Ukrainian and Russian, English came soon after in school :)
Anas Ashrafi
Events Director
Anas is in his 3rd year of finance!
“I joined ANPA because Alberta Not For Profit Associations (ANPA) are collectively beneficial for society & economy hence why we need to give back & help them thrive.”
A fun fact about Anas is that he is the only brother of 4 siblings.
Theodore Jianto
Events Director
Theordore is in his 3rd year of finance with a minor in accounting!
He joined ANPA to meet new people and gain valuable experience!
A fun fact about Theo is that he is from Indonesia!